Tribunals Ontario Animal Care Review Board
Last Name First Name Middle Initial
Unit Number Street Number Street Name PO Box City/Town/Municipality Province AB - Alberta BC - British Columbia MB - Manitoba NB - New Brunswick NL - Newfoundland and Labrador NS - Nova Scotia NT - Northwest Territories NU - Nunavut ON - Ontario PE - Prince Edward Island QC - Quebec SK - Saskatchewan YT - Yukon Postal Code
Describe the relationship of this witness to this case.
You are hereby summoned and required to attend before the Animal Care Review Board at a hearing to be held at the following address Unit number Street Number Street Name City/Town/Municipality Province AB - Alberta BC - British Columbia MB - Manitoba NB - New Brunswick NL - Newfoundland and Labrador NS - Nova Scotia NT - Northwest Territories NU - Nunavut ON - Ontario PE - Prince Edward Island QC - Quebec SK - Saskatchewan YT - Yukon Postal Code
Or if teleconference, phone number to be used
On the date of (yyyy/mm/dd) at the time of a.m. p.m.
You are required to bring with you and produce at the hearing the following documents and items. List all the documents and items the witness should bring with them.
Subsections 11(1) and (2) of the Statutory Powers Procedure Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. S.22 as amended provide as follows:
Signature of the Board Date (yyyy/mm/dd)
This summons was issued at the request of, and inquiries about it may be directed to:
The Animal Care Review Board (ACRB) collects the personal information requested on this form under section 38 of the Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act and section 9(5) of Ontario Regulation 443/19 for the purpose of conducting an appeal proceeding before the ACRB. All information, including sensitive personal and financial information, submitted as part of a proceeding may become public in an open hearing and may be contained in decisions, orders, and case files, unless an order to restrict access is made. Any questions about the collection of information may be directed to the ACRB at
If you have any questions, please contact Animal Care Review Board 15 Grosvenor St, Ground Fl Toronto ON M7A 2G6 Telephone: 416-327-0111 / 1-888-777-3616 Teletypewriter (TTY): 1-800-855-0511 Fax: 416-314-4270 / 1-800-720-5292 Website: Email:
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